
Monday 21 July 2014

Are you up for the Challenge -- Lose weight without exercise-- lose weight with visible result-- best weigth management ever


Are you tired of losing weight without visible result? 

It is every one’s desire to look fit. Excess fat in the body weighs you down and I know you really want to do away with those fat.

The  main role of Adipose tissue( body fat ) is to store energy in the form of lipids, although it also cushions and insulates the body. Far from hormonally inert, adipose tissue has, in recent years, been recognized as a major endocrine organ,as it produces hormones such as leptin, estrogen, resistin, and the cytokine TNFα. Moreover, adipose tissue can affect other organ systems of the body and may lead to disease. Obesity or being overweight in humans and most animals does not depend on body weight, but on the amount of body fat—to be specific, adipose tissue.

Excess fat is stored in primarily stored areas of your body which includes the stomach and this is obvious in an obese person. If an obese person loses some fat in the stomach, it may remain as a literal "apron of skin" if a severely obese person quickly loses large amounts of fat (a common result of gastric bypass surgery). This condition cannot be effectively corrected through diet and exercise alone, as the panniculus consists of adipocytes and other supporting cell types shrunken to their minimum volume and diameter. Reconstructive surgery is one method of treatment.

In females fat is stored in the buttocks, thighs, and hips because of their hormone. Men are more likely to have fat stored in the belly due to sex hormone differences.

Let us see some fat people in the world



And the men…





I can go on and on showing you some more.
I know you do not want to look like an ugly pig! (apologies please). Therefore I bring to you a product that has a proven credibility. Jack Stewart called it the best weight loss management solution ever.
I am talking about Skinny Fibre

Since 2011, Skinny Fiber Weight Management product has been recognized as the PREMIER product of its kind with thousands of satisfied customers across the globe continuing to use it to get results and LONG TERM weight management SOLUTIONS!

Skinny fibre contains natural ingredients  that helps your body to do away with excessive fat in the body some of which are  Caralluma, Glucomannan, Chá de Bugre,and enzymes

click on the link below to view a TV Programme on Skinny Fibre

Documented  in multiple clinical trials, Caralluma has been used for centuries as a natural appetite suppressant in centuries around the world. In fact, some call it “famine food” for its incredible ability to surpress hunger and appetite and enhance stamina.Source:
Review on Carralluma from the United States National Library of Medicine (The National Center for Biotechnology Information) 


What if you could eliminate the #1 enemy of weight management …over-eating? with all natural dietary fiber Glucomannan in Skinny Fiber, it just got easier.
Glucomananan is a unique all natural plant soluble dietary fiber believed to expand in your stomach to help make you feel full and eat less!
In addition, in double blind clinical studies, Glucomannan has been shown to have other health benefits such as helping to support healthy cholesterol levels so much more.
United States National Library of Medicine (The National Center for Biotechnology Information) review that Glucomannan was well-tolerated and resulted in significant weight loss in overweight and obese individuals 

Cha de Burgre – The Brazilian Secret!

Along the coast of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, beauty is defined by how you look in a bikini. And one of favorite ingredients used in beachfront restaurants and refreshment stands is Cha de Burgre.. one of the key ingredients in Skinny

In addition to being used as an appetite suppresant Cha de Buegre may also help support a healthy metabolism. In fact, it is brewed in large drums at times of festival in Brazil, so that people can drink it to help sustain energy; another great benefit of this exciting ingredient!

The Power of Enzymes
The challenge is that most of us are NOT getting enough enzymes from our food to properly Digest what we eat. This enzyme deficiency cause our food NOT to digest completely, which leads to TOXINS in our body, NEW FAT FORMING, AND a WEAKER immune system… ALL of which makes losing weight VERY DIFFICULT, no matter HOW MUCH we diet and exercise!
That’s why skinny Fiber is the FIRST and ONLY product of its kind Packed with nutrient-rich ENZYMES designed to help get your body in a POSITION where it is READY to lose weight!

What if you could eliminate the #1 enemy of weight management …over-eating? with all natural dietary fiber Glucomannan in Skinny Fiber, it just got easier.
Glucomananan is a unique all natural plant soluble dietary fiber believed to expand in your stomach to help make you feel full and eat less!
In addition, in double blind clinical studies, Glucomannan has been shown to have other health benefits such as helping to support healthy cholesterol levels so much more.


You see, Every organ of the body NEEDS fat to survive. it regulates our body temperature, Cushions and insulates our HEART, LIVER and KIDNEY… and even regulates hormones.

So until your body knows that it will be healthy WITHOUT all of that fat to protect it, LOSING WEIGHT is almost IMPOSSIBLE!

Tired of Diets that don’t work?
How many times have you tried a diet or weight loss program, followed all the instruction and didn’t get result?
it’s not your fault!

 Now this is a 90 day challenge you need to go through if you really want to cut out that fat that has long been a pain in your body

for more info please e-mail

Skinny Fiber Price & Available Promo 
1 bottle (120 capsules) = NGN 15000 Now NGN10,500 (excluding delivery charges)
3 bottles = NGN 31500) Now NGN26,000{ \twenty six thousand naira (Nigerian currency)} (excluding delivery charges)

We offer delivery within Lagos (We deliver to other states in Nigeria with NGN1,500 average charge. for delivery to places outside Nigeria please
let the title of your message be
" skinny fibre: best weight management ever"